155+ Advanced English Words to Use Instead of VERY
We generally use “very” to make a description stronger. It’s a useful word but using “very” can be repetitive and boring. There are many words which you can use instead of VERY.
So, I have compiled a list of over 155 advanced English words that you can use in place of “very”. By using these advanced words, you can increase your advanced vocabulary and feel more confident and more fluent while speaking.
List of 155+ Useful Advanced English Words Instead of VERY With Examples
Learn these most useful advanced words to use instead of “Very”. By incorporating these words into your writing and speaking, you can enhance your language skills and communicate more effectively.
It’s a useful approach to take in your journey towards mastering the English language.
Letter A
Very angry | Furious, Indignant, Enraged |
Very accurate | Exact |
Very annoying | Exasperating |
Very afraid | Fearful |
- Why is she furious today?
- This is the exact solution of this problem.
Letter B
Very big | Massive, Gigantic, Enormous |
Very bright | Luminous, Radiant |
Very boring | Dull, Mind-numbing |
Very busy | Swamped |
Very bad | Awful, Atrocious |
Very beautiful | Gorgeous, Stunning, Exquisite |
- It was a really massive tree beside the road.
- Your door is luminous green.
Letter C
Very crowded | Cramped, Bustling |
Very clam | Serene |
Very careful | Cautious |
Very colorful | Vibrant |
Very clean | Spotless |
Very clear | Obvious, Transparent |
Very creative | Innovative |
Very complete | Comprehensive |
Very competitive | Cutthroat |
Very conventional | Conservative |
Very confused | Bewildered, Perplexed |
Very cold | Freezing, Frosty |
Very cute | Adorable |
Very clever | Intelligent |
Very cheap | Stingy, Inexpensive |
- You must be cautious when you are riding!
- He is such an adorable child!
Letter D
Very difficult | Arduous |
Very dear | Cherished |
Very dangerous | Perilous |
Very deep | Profound |
Very dry | Arid |
Very dull | Tedious |
Very different | Disparate |
Very detailed | Meticulous |
Very depressed | Despondent |
Very dirty | Filthy |
- Don’t worry! It is not an arduous question. You can easily solve it.
- How filthy your hands are! Wash them now.
Letter E
Very empty | Desolate |
Very expensive | Exorbitant, Costly |
Very eager | Keen |
Very easy | Effortless |
Very exciting | Exhilarating, Thrilling |
Very excited | Thrilled, Exhilarated |
Very evil | Wicked |
- After the flood that place became a desolate place.
- Her dress is nice but exorbitant.
Letter F
Very fat | Obese |
Very funny | Hilarious |
Very fast | Quick |
Very full | Stuffed |
Very friendly | Amiable |
Very fancy | Lavish |
Very frightening | Terrifying |
Very frightened | Alarmed |
Very fierce | Ferocious |
- She takes too much junk food and became obese.
- That joke was hilarious. I couldn’t help laughing.
Letter G
Very good | Excellent, Superb, Outstanding |
Very glad | Overjoyed |
Very great | Terrific |
- I saw your performance. It was really outstanding!
- Today, my sister’s result has been declared. She is overjoyed!
Letter H
Very huge | Colossal |
Very hard | Difficult |
Very happy | Ecstatic, Delighted, Thrilled |
Very high | Soaring |
Very hard-to-find | Rare |
Very hurt | Battered |
Very heavy | Leaden |
Very hungry | Starving, Famished |
Very humble | Self-effacing |
Very honest | Straightforward |
- I am thrilled today!
- It was a rare animal that I saw in the newspaper.
Letter I
Very intelligent | Brilliant |
Very interesting | Fascinating, Captivating |
Very interested | Fascinated, Captivated |
Very important | Crucial |
Very inflexible | Unyielding |
- Rita is a brilliant student.
- I will watch that movie again as it fascinating to me!
Letter J
Very joyful | Cheerful |
- She is charming and always cheerful.
- You are looking more cheerful today. Is it something special?
Letter K
Very kind | Generous, Kind-hearted |
- Our principal is such a generous man.
- I met your mother she is kind-hearted as well as polite.
Letter L
Very little | Tiny |
Very large | Huge |
Very light | Luminous |
Very lazy | Indolent |
Very lonely | Desolate |
Very loose | Slack |
Very long | Extensive |
Very loud | Deafening |
Very lovely | Adorable |
Very loved | Adored |
Very long-term | Enduring |
Very lively | Animated |
- My water bottle has a tiny hole so I will purchase new.
- She takes too much time to complete her task. She is really a indolent girl.
Letter M
Very messy | Slovenly |
Very mean | Cruel |
- Your room is slovenly. You must clean it as soon as possible.
- Never try to be a mean person!
Letter N
Very new | Brand new |
Very nice | Kind |
Very neat | Immaculate |
Very nervous | Apprehensive |
Very necessary | Essential |
Very noisy | Deafening |
- Wow! You got a brand-new car as your birthday present.
- Could you please turn the volume a bit down? It is deafening!
Letter O
Very old | Ancient |
Very old-fashioned | Archaic |
Very often | Frequently |
Very open | Transparent |
- You know what. My father has an ancient coin.
- I think this sort of dress become archaic. You should choose another.
Letter P
Very powerful | Compelling |
Very perfect | Flawless |
Very pale | Ashen |
Very poor | Destitute, Impoverished |
Very pretty | Elegant |
Very painful | Excruciating, Unbearable |
- You have legible handwriting. Just flawless!
- We must help destitute people.
Letter Q
Very quiet | Hushed |
Very quick | Rapid |
- You seemed hushed today.
- She can’t make a rapid decision.
Letter R
Very roomy | Spacious |
Very risky | Hazardous, Perilous |
Very rude | Vulgar |
Very raining | Pouring |
Very rich | Well-off, Wealthy, Prosperous |
- Avoid the things which are hazardous for you.
- His family is well-off!
Letter S
Very small | Petite, Miniscule, Tiny |
Very sad | Sorrowful, Tragic |
Very sure | Certain |
Very surprising | Astonishing, Amazing, Astounding |
Very surprised | Stunned, Amazed, Astonished |
Very scary | Chilling |
Very scared | Petrified, Terrified |
Very sharp | Keen |
Very smooth | Sleek |
Very soft | Downy |
Very shiny | Gleaming |
Very strong | Forceful |
Very skinny | Skeletal |
Very shy | Timid |
Very simple | Basic |
Very short | Brief |
Very slow | Sluggish |
Very serious | Grave |
Very smart | Witty |
Very stupid | Idiotic |
Very special | Exceptional |
Very sweet | Thoughtful |
Very sorry | Apologetic |
Very smelly | Pungent |
Very sleepy | Lethargic |
- Speak English every day. I am certain that you’ll be able to improve your English.
- I was amazed when I came to know that she became a singer.
Letter T
Very tall | Towering |
Very tasty | Delicious |
Very tight | Constricting |
Very talented | Gifted |
Very tired | Exhausted |
Very thin | Gaunt |
Very thirsty | Parched |
Very terrible | Horrendous |
Very talkative | Chatterbox |
- I think this shirt is constricting for you. Try another one.
- Her daughter is gifted. She won a lot of medals in many contests.
Letter U
Very ugly | Hideous |
Very unhappy | Miserable |
Very upset | Distraught |
- That puppy is not hideous. How cute he is!
- Yesterday, I was totally distraught.
Letter V
Very valuable | Precious |
- This pen is precious for her because her father had gifted.
- Time is precious than diamond, we must utilize it.
Letter W
Very wise | Sage |
Very windy | Blustery, Airy |
Very warm | Hot |
Very weak | Frail |
Very wet | Soaked |
Very worried | Distressed, Concerned |
Very wicked | Villainous |
Very wide | Expansive |
Very willing | Eager |
Very wonderful | Magnificent, Miraculous |
- You have a good room it is airy.
- Last week, we visited that city and saw the magnificent monuments.
I hope that you found these advanced words useful. I’m dead sure, you will make tremendous progress in your English, if you use these words instead of “very” in your conversation. Happy learning!